Specification for New Version of CodeExtinguisher

Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • This document will serve as the specification for the future versions of CodeExtinguisher.

      It will outline the purpose, audience, and style of the project.


  2. Audience and Purpose
    • CodeExtinguisher was built to automatically generate backends for websites. However,

      the code base serves other purposes equally well. It provides an easy way to adopt  

      fine-grained, system-wide authentication. It provides a very easy to use interface for

      generating forms. It also allows the user to take advantage of the other helper libraries

      such as messaging, breadcrumbs, and events.

  3. Possible Name Change
  4. Usage of YAML
  5. Goals
  6. New Features
  7. Truncated Features
  8. Programming Styles and Conventions
  9. Design Styles and Conventions
  10. Workflow
  11. Layout of Configuration Files
  12. Bootstrapper Library
  13. Events Library
  14. User Library
  15. Update Library
  16. Undo / Redo Library
  17. Messaging Library
  18. User Interface Library
  19. Form Library
  20. Database Library